Candyland. Wikipedia describes it as, "a simple racing board game. It is among the first board games played by American children as it requires no reading and minimal counting skills."
Yes, I would call it a fun game to play as a child, but can I poke my eyes out? I don't mind the game, really I don't. It's quite fun, until you get one of the cards that sends you back to a location. Then there's the dots that leave you stuck in the swamps until you draw that color again. Fortunately in 2004 they changed the dots to licorice and you only lose one turn. As you can see, sometimes the games drags on forever.
This game is hidden in the game closet at home, and I must confess, I dread when someone picks it out to play. Funny it's the 3 year old's favorite game to play. Maybe it should be saved for days when the babysitter comes.